
deal sites for christmas gifts

i love checking out the discount sites that post new deals on the daily--especially for finding gifts.  these are a few of my favorites.

zulily carries lots of children's clothes, and they often have beautiful organic lines.  today they even have fuzzibunz cloth diapers for $11.99!  they often have fun, green toys or nursing apparel for moms.  a warning, their shipping can be SLOOOOOW, but they're guaranteeing shipping by christmas, so you're still in good shape.

totsy is another (smaller) discount site with items for baby and child.  wooden toys, clothes, and sometime organic bath care are among their featured items.

eversave is a one-deal-a-day-site similar to groupon.  in some cities (like philadelphia), eversave posts local deals, but for pittsburgh so far it's all been deep discounts from online retailers--which is even better for me, since we aren't that close to downtown anyway.  they'll discount shoes, bags, gift baskets, jewelry, kids stuff--it runs the spectrum--but they tend to feature interesting boutiques for their daily deals, and the items are often earth-friendly.

happy gift-giving:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the daily deal sites! There is another new one called featuring products for children, home & families. It just launched this week!